Sunday 15 November 2015

Day 5: The Final Jaunt

We woke up to our usual 6:00am alarms, eager to start the final (and shortest) leg of our cycle tour. Spencer was already up preparing a delicious breakfast made up of bacon, yogurt, granola, and fresh fruit. Just what we needed to fuel our bodies for the short ride back to Wilderness Tours.

The other tour group, who also camped at the Mill Dam Park emerged from their tents are began their morning rituals as well. The air was cold, but the humidity was far less compared to the previous days, making for some pretty ideal riding conditions.

After looking over our route for the day, Spencer continued to lead by guiding us back through Portage du Fort, and down Kerr Line back to Wilderness Tours. The group moved quickly together, keeping a solid pace, averaging around 17km/hour and taking only a few short breaks. It was a fantastic way to end a fantastic week!

Arriving a few hours before our bus was scheduled to deliver us back to Pembroke, we degreased, regressed, and cleaned our bikes. We took care when cleaning the panniers, which would be used again next year for the next group of Outdoor Adventure and Outdoor Adventure Naturalist students.

Great job everyone!

Trip Tip!
If the group is looking forward to something (food, shelter, the final stretch) then the lead cyclist can set a quick pace early in the day to keep everyone moving. If something awesome lays ahead, we are willing to put the extra effort in. 

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